Bound (The Guardians) Read online

Page 8

  Unexpectedly Blade kisses me on the forehead.

  My face feels hot, my heart is racing. Old feelings have begun to pour back. I don’t want to leave him now. I want to stay. But Blade turns me around and pushes my back.

  He says, ‘Go! Run!’

  With my chest tight and facing still glowing, I bolt from the arcade and down through the streets. I run up to the main platform of the Poridos station and look at the nearby timetable on the screen.

  There’s a train for Absotras arriving any moment. I’m in luck! I stand and wait with the others. I feel as if I’ve forgotten something, and a reminder of what that is comes to me in the form of an angry voice.

  ‘Going somewhere?’

  Oh, my, spirit...

  Slowly, very slowly, I turn my head. Leo stands behind me with his arms folded and eyes narrow. He’s really angry. His soft face is scrunched and his eyes are burning right through mine. People around us rush around us get a good spot on the platform.

  ‘I’m going to see my parents,’ I say.

  ‘What a surprise.’ Leo notices the train pass in my hand and snatches my wrist. ‘You have no money. Where did you get this pass?’

  I cringe. I refuse to tell him about Blade.

  The call for the train comes over the speakers. I can hear it approaching in the distance.

  Leo says angrily, ‘I turn my back for a moment and you plan to leave Poridos without my consent? You cannot be trusted for even a moment! I had a feeling you would try and pull something.’

  I hear the train arriving at the station. I try and struggle away from Leo, but his grip is strong. My heart is beating in my ears. I watch the passengers get off and a new group walk on.

  I want to see my parents! I have to see my parents! I’ve got to think of something, hurry!

  The last call for the train comes over. I flick my head towards Leo. I have an idea. My body doesn’t like it, my muscles already tightening, but it’s my only shot. If I can prove to him that I can be trusted in his sense of the word, I might be able to swing a deal.

  ‘If you let me on this train… I-I will agree to unite with you!’ I shout.

  Leo’s remains still. His eyes widen.

  I continue, ‘Yeah…let me go and visit my parents and I will be yours, like you want. You’re going make me do this whether or not I say yes, right? But…if you let me go now, I won’t fight against our engagement. I will do what you say. Please! Let me see them.’

  My body twists back. The train doors start to move. My heart feels like it’s going to burst. Unexpectedly, Leo grabs me and pulls me onto the carriage. The doors shut tight behind us.

  For a moment I’m struck with relief. Until, that is, I slowly gaze up at Leo. He lowers his head down to me. Quietly he whispers, ‘I hope you like wearing that bracelet.’

  I can still feel his hand burning on the opposite wrist. All I can think is, ‘what have I done?’

  Chapter fifteen

  When we arrive at the Absotras Link Station, Leo walks behind me with curious eyes. It’s obvious this whole community transport experience is new to him. But I don’t care. I’m too focused on my mission.

  I guide Leo through the Absotras maze, pointing silently to signs and walking ahead to the Pekkin line. We get on the small, brown and decrepit train and sit. Being the middle of the day, it’s almost empty. And even though it’s a long trip, I wait on the edge of my seat.

  Leo’s head constantly turns the whole trip. The views of the countryside must be new and clearly peak his interest. He twists to see something that has zoomed past every few minutes. At one point I think he’s going to comment, but my awkward seating position clearly tells him not to bother.

  I remain seated until Pekkin station, missing the letter “n” on the sign, comes into view. The two of us exit onto the platform and begin trekking through town.

  Already some residents glance at us. A few people pull their children away, one or two even rush back inside when Leo turns his head to them. They know who he is. Places like Pekkin are often filled with people who have distaste for the Guardians or even opulent city life in general.

  Leo is not a welcome stranger here.

  I lead the Successor along the black potholed road out of town. It’s a long walk without my scooter. Leo follows silently behind me. I hear a sound rolling down the road behind us. We both stop. My old neighbour, Mr Horris, is sitting on a wooden cart pulled by Alison the sembra. She whips the air with her long tongue and snuffles her long nose across the road. When he pulls up, Leo takes a step backwards as if Alison is riddled with disease.

  Mr Horris stares at me with a shocked expression on his wrinkled face. ‘Are my eyes playing tricks on me, or is that really you Mellea? Your mother and father told me what happened. I couldn’t believe it.’

  ‘I’ve come back to visit them.’

  He smiles. ‘That’s wonderful.’ The old man’s eyes fall to Leo. ‘Oh, I remember that face. When Lord Neros was a young man he looked exactly like you, Successor.’

  Leo stares at the old man but says nothing back.

  Mr Horris says to me. ‘It’s still a fair distance on foot, jump on the back and I’ll take you down.’ I smile and sit on the back of the fruit cart. Mr Horris stares at Leo until he moves. Gradually Leo walks around and perches next to me.

  We travel silently down the road. I absorb every last bit of surrounding I can. I have no idea when or if I will be able to see it again. When we arrive at Mr Horris’s house, I thank him for the lift. I make my way down to the rusted mailbox with our number on it. I push the metal gate open and let Leo through behind me. I pick up the pace walking down the long path to my house. By the end, I’m running.

  ‘Momma, Da! Is anyone here?’ I call.

  My mother appears from the bottom of the house. She has her painting apron on. Swiftly she runs out and wraps her arms around me. She pulls back and kisses my face all over.

  ‘It’s really you,’ she says with tears in her eyes. Momma calls out for Da who appears at the top of the stairs. He rushes down and scoops us both into a tight hug. It’s warm. I missed this. I feel deviously happy.

  My eyes are closed, simply listening to everyone breathing, when Da asks, ‘What’s he doing here?’

  I had almost forgotten about Leo. I turn my head and see him standing a couple of metres away. Father moves to stand before me.

  ‘So… this is the kid, the one who took my daughter away from me. You have some nerve showing up here, so far away from the Tower, where anything can happen to you.’

  Da moves back under the house. He comes out a few seconds later with a metal ground stake, about as long as his arm. Holding up on his shoulder Da says, ‘You Successors are always so pretty. I’m thinking… today, we change that.’

  ‘Da…wait….what are you doing?’ I say in disbelief.

  My father takes a strong swing at Leo who bends out of the way. I cringe. Leo’s hands are behind his back, and remain there, as Da tries several more times to hit him.

  Swiftly the Successor turns and using his index fingers, pokes my father hard in the shoulders. The nerves he hits forces Da to drop the weapon. He looks like he is having trouble using his arms at all. He can’t lift them above a certain point.

  ‘What did you do to me, you monster?’ Da shouts.

  Leo frowns. My hands go cold. I called Leo that name back when I was taken, then bad things happened. Da reaches down and picks up the metal stake. He can hardly lift it.

  ‘Mellea has come home. You have no business here anymore. It’d be wise for you to simply turn around and go back to your precious Tower.’ Da walks over and manages to put his free hand on my shoulder. ‘Mellea has refused your proposal. She has made me proud, standing up for herself by never agreeing to unite with you. It’s about time you go find someone else.’

  Guilt starts to build up in every muscle in my body. ‘Da…there is something I have to tell you,’ I say turning to him.

  Da glances at me.
‘Don’t worry Mellea. Everything is going to be all right. It so happens I did some research into current Guardian Law. It turns out you, all of us, were lied to. The laws surrounding forced unitings were changed ten years ago, by his mother no less. It says that, “A Guardian must have the full consent of their chosen bride, the same and equal rights of citizens of the Centreland and Stray Islands of the Coasts”. That means that you’re safe. You’ve said no to him and, by law, you can come home and leave all this silliness behind.’

  I cover my mouth. I feel like I’m going to be sick. ‘You lied to me!’ I scream at Leo. ‘This is why you didn’t want me to come back. This is why you kept me locked up! You knew I would find out the truth. I was actually free to leave this whole time! Was your plan to keep me stored away until I finally broke and agreed to unit with you?’

  Leo turns his head slightly to the side. What does that mean? Yes or no?

  I feel hot with a burning rage. I run over to him and smack him in the lower ribs with the base of my fists. ‘I can’t believe I thought you could be anything but evil! You’re such a dirty liar! I hate you!’

  Leo pushes me back. ‘Excuse me. I did not lie. I merely did not correct you. My father knew that I would have a hard time getting you to agree because of the new laws and so we decided it would be best to…blur the lines of current law.’

  My eyes fill with tears. I mumble, ‘I was right. You really are a monster.’

  ‘Mellea…’ my father calls, stepping forward. ‘Did you… say yes to him?’

  I turn back and stare into my parents’ shocked faces. They both stand there with utter horror in their eyes.

  ‘Well, you see it’s not as if…’

  Da repeats louder, ‘Did-you-say-yes?’

  I stumble, ‘I… I didn’t know that… the laws had changed. I wanted to see you. He wouldn’t let me go unless…’

  My father turns away. He shouts, ‘I can’t believe you’ve done this. We had one loophole and you closed it. You stupid, stupid girl! I told you! I told you what to do and you ignored me.’

  ‘B-but I wanted see you,’ I reply quietly. ‘Can’t you understand?’

  Father glances at Leo and back at me. He shakes his head. ‘No. I understand. You’ve been bewitched by the Guardian’s power. You’d rather live in glamour with those traitors than be good, honest and kind, like you used to be. Why did you come back here, to throw your new life in our faces or to show me what a failure I’ve been as a father?’

  I run back towards him, ‘No, it’s not like that I swear. If you let me explain...’

  ‘There is no need to explain. Look at you, coming here wearing that expensive dress… was that a bribe? Does he pay for your opulent life now? Do you like being his toy?’

  ‘No!’ I scream.

  ‘When you mess with the Guardians you lose everything that was ever important to you. I’ve told you this. But you didn’t listen. Get out my sight! Go and never come back here! I don’t ever want to see your face again.’ Da pauses for a moment before screaming, ‘Go!’ so loud my body shakes.

  I grab his arm as he tries to push me back. I beg him to stop. I stare into his eyes. For a moment he weakens and I gently smile at him. But the next thing I feel is a burning sensation. My father’s hand has stuck me across the face. I’m completely shocked. He’s never hit me, not once in my entire life. I put my hand on my cheek as my eyes fill with tears.

  Da yells, ‘Leave! Get out!’

  I glance at my mother with desperate eyes. I beg, ‘Momma?’

  My mother simply looks at the ground and closes her eyes tightly. My gut drops. I can’t believe she doesn’t stand up for me or say anything! This is a nightmare, a terrible and ghastly nightmare that I can’t wake up from. How can they both abandon me like this? I’m their only child. I love them and I thought they loved me.

  With my head spinning and chest so tight I can barely stand it, I turn away and run fast out the gate. I don’t know where I’m going and it’s hard to see through the tears.

  Chapter sixteen

  I pull my head out of my knees. I’m sitting near a dried up river not far from my house. When we first moved to Pekkin, I was shaken from the series of moves we’d faced over the years. I found this place one day after I’d run away from home. It quickly became my secret hideaway. My parents didn’t know about it and I liked that. When I was mad, I could make them worry by coming here. It’s a safe haven surrounded by trees and long grass. I would sleep there sometimes until I heard them calling for me. I tug my knees up. Those days are gone. They’re not looking for me this time.

  Dry grass is crunched under foot behind me. I don’t turn around. ‘I should’ve known you would find me,’ I say.

  Leo moves and stands next to me without a word. He’s been surprisingly tight lipped since we arrived. Honestly, it’s starting to freak me out and the anger from my parents is making it worse.

  ‘Why do you suddenly have nothing to say?’ I ask loudly. ‘After all, you must be pretty pleased with yourself right now. You finally got what you wanted. I’m yours and I have nowhere left to run, even if I did.’

  I stand up and walk out to the road. Leo follows after me. ‘Where are you going?’ he asks.

  ‘Back to the Tower… it’s where I live now right?’ I say sarcastically. I reach the road and start marching towards Pekkin.

  ‘Wait…’ Leo calls. ‘You need a moment to calm down.’

  I shout, ‘What I need is for you to go away and for things to go back to how they were!’ I crunch my fists tightly and start smacking my head hard with my knuckles.

  ‘Stop that!’ Leo yells pulling my hands away.

  I do, realising what I’m doing to myself. It hurts. Leo lets go and I push the tears out of my eyes. I stare at the ground, my head spinning.

  I hadn’t realised how much I’m whirling, that my hands are shaking, that my face is pale. But Leo does.

  He gently reaches forward and rubs a stray tear away from my cheek with his thumb. I stare at him with watery eyes. ‘I hate you.’

  ‘I know,’ he replies softly.

  ‘Well, well, well… look who we have here. It’s Successor Leo,’ an unfamiliar voice calls.

  The two of us turn our heads upwards. A scraggly looking man and a young girl float above us on a black flight board. The man lowers it and the two jump off. He says, ‘How unusual to find royalty out here in the sticks, especially without a single Sentry officer for support. Mighty dangerous if you ask me, rural folks don’t usually have much time for you hoity-toity rich snobs.’

  I take a glance to the side. Leo’s face is serious and concerned. That must be the reason why he’s so quiet. The Guardians have no idea that Leo has left Poridos. He’s sticking his neck to bring me here.

  The girl notices my silver bangle and says to the man, ‘Hey, she has an engagement bracelet! This must be the newest Guardian fiancé!’

  The man chuckles and says, ‘Going for a change of pace, are we Successor? It’s not often you people choose someone like her to be your match. I thought those from the country were too lowly for you?’

  Leo grabs my arm and tucks me safely behind him. Something is wrong, the situation suddenly feels dangerous. I cautiously tilt my head so I can see.

  ‘Who are you? State your business here,’ Leo replies strongly.

  The man looks at us. ‘Don’t worry about it. It won’t matter soon. We’re here to kill you.’ He turns to the little girl and hisses. ‘Take the bride.’

  The young girl runs towards us and dives at me, much faster than expected from a child. She reaches forward and out of her palm emerges the blade of a knife. My eyes widen. She swings it at me but Leo pushes me out of the way in time. I topple to the ground hard, but I’ve avoided the blade.

  The girl jumps backward through the air towards the man. I have never seen anyone leap so high and with such precision. It’s as abnormal as the knife sticking out of her palm.

  The straggly haired man charges at Leo.
The assailant rapidly pulls back his arm, as if he was about to punch. But instead his fingers fold in towards each other. His arm moves, shifts and clicks into place several times. Now there was no longer a hand, but an arm with a gun barrel at the end.

  I’m officially petrified. What the abyss are these two?

  The man shoots at us and I run off the road and behind a tree. Bullets fly at Leo. I don’t understand why he doesn’t move. I’m about to yell at him when I notice the shots have been stopped by an almost transparent yellow bubble surrounding his body. The empty shells clink as they hit the ground, the bullets not leaving so much as a scratch.

  Now I’m even more confused. I mean seriously, not Leo too! What is up with everyone? How are they all doing this?

  When the man stops shooting, Leo widens his stance. He moves his arms back before thrusting his hands forward; his top fingers are pointed and his thumb is up, forming a gun shape. When he moves his arms out towards the assassins, two strong bolts of lightning shoot out. My mouth falls open. The man and girl swiftly dodge the attacks. The man recommences firing from his gun arm. Leo defends again with the yellow shield and then starts another offence. He focusses before shooting the lightning bolts from his fingers, but his moves are fast and fluent. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

  I whisper, ‘H-how…magic? No…there’s no such thing…’

  But what Leo is doing with his hands and that shield thing, it’s clearly not normal. My eyes quickly scan him. I watch Leo twisting his body as he attacks. The choker necklace swings into my sight. The yellow stone is glowing.

  My mind casts back to the Livolism children’s book I read in the Tower. It said that the Guardians were granted great powers. Everyone knows that tale, but is this actually stone linked to that story? Does that mean that it’s not a myth? The Guardians… what exactly are they?

  I watch Leo fighting in such awe that it takes me a moment to notice the girl assassin is gone. I twist my head around and hear a noise behind me. The dark haired, pale-skinned child stands above me on a branch, the arm with the knife coming out of her palm hangs by her side. With force, she jumps down stabbing it at me. Luckily I roll out of the way in time, her knife piercing the hard dirt and causing the ground to crack. Envisioning what a weapon like that would do to me I get up and start running.