In Love With A Vampire Read online

  In Love With A Vampire

  Copyright 2016 M.J. Stevens

  Published by M.J. Stevens


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Author’s Note: I hope you’ll have a blast reading In Love With A Vampire. Do remember to leave an honest review on Amazon Kindle and let me know what you think of the novel. Have a great day ahead!

  Table of Contents




























  1. Maze

  Kalista Shrapnel had no idea where to go. The fog consumed her as she tried to find a way out of the wild maze.

  I can’t stay here for long, Kalista thought with dread. I will die if I stay here.

  Heart pounding in her chest, she ran like a wild buffalo, knocking onto the maze wall every two seconds as her vision became blurred by the thickening fog.

  I need to find an exit, were the words ringing inside of Kalista’s head. I can’t stay here or he’ll kill me.

  She had been running in the maze for a long time that she didn’t know how long she had been inside in the maze, or whether she was closer to the exit. She knew that she had to get out of there, because if she didn’t, her life would end inside the maze.

  “Come here,” a male voice boomed over her head.

  Kalista flicked her gaze upward. Did the sound just come from above?

  “Come here,” the voice cooed, over and over again like a sweet chiming song.

  Was that her savior? Someone who was going to free her from the Maze of Doom? She needed hope, and that was the only fragment of hope she could cling to.

  Kalista stopped running in her tracks, and looked upward, the blanket of fog shrouding her vision like the sky clouds.

  Maybe he was going to save her from all her misery. But who was he?

  Kalista waited with bated breath, gazing into the white cotton, gazing into the last vestiges of hope.

  “That’s right,” the voice said. “Look up at me, for I will save you. Save you from the Maze of Doom.”

  Kalista burst out in tears of relief, glad that someone was going to come to her rescue.

  “What are you running away from?” the voice asked.

  “I’m running away from him,” Kalista answered, her voice choking with emotions.

  “From who?” the omniscient voice asked, shrouded in mystery.

  “From Catan. Catan, the monster of monsters.” Kalista’s words became fragmented in her sobs. “You have to save me from him. He’s coming for me.”

  “Why are you so afraid of him? What did he ever do to you.”

  “He’s evil, alright,” Kalista seethed. “He wants to kill me. He wants to kill me because I found out his secret. Who he really is. He’s afraid that I’m going to spill his secret to my friends, and then everyone around me. He doesn’t want that to happen, and that’s why he’s intending to kill me before the truth spreads.”

  There was silence for a moment, as if the owner of the voice was trying to gauge the situation. Then, he continued speaking again. “Kalista, you do not have to be afraid of him. Really, there’s nothing to be afraid of. He isn’t trying to kill you. I can give you my word.”

  Kalista let out an audible gasp. “I can’t believe you! You’re on his side??? And how do you know my name? Who are you? Are you trying to save me or turn me in to Catan? How can I trust you?” Kalista’s tears of relief had turned to tears of rage. Who was this man who assumed that Catan was not trying to kill her? She’d seen the anger in Catan’s eyes, alright. Catan was definitely trying to rip her heart out.

  Kalista kept her gaze fixed upward at the sky, as if expecting to see the mysterious man emerge anytime soon.

  But all she could see was an expanse of foggy white. There was such dead silence that Kalista thought that the man was playing a trick on her.

  And then, Kalista spotted something. A dark shadow lurking above the clouds. There was something definitely above her, probably circling overhead like a winged creature. Was it the man she had spoken to? Was he a friend or a foe? Could she trust him?

  Kalista was through running. Her legs felt like jelly, and she didn’t think that she could take one step further. Whoever it was who had spoken to her had better come down and face her. She wanted to know the identity of the stranger. She didn’t care about Catan, who was still in the maze trying to find her and kill her. All she cared right now was the identity of this curious stranger with a husky voice.

  “Come out, wherever you are,” Kalista demanded, her eyes searching for the shadow in the clouds. “I want to know who you are, and what’s your purpose.”

  Suddenly, Kalista heard a rumble in the clouds. She saw a figure hovering around in the clouds, but she couldn’t make out what it was as it was too far. The figure drew closer and closer to her, his wings flapping swiftly. He descended right in front of her like a vision, a perfect vision that made her blink her eyes a few times to make sure that she was dreaming all of this up.

  He was a perfect image. With broad shoulders and a well-sculpted body, the man had a perfectly chiseled face with a firm jaw. He was the picture of a Greek God. He was half naked, with a small tunic cloth covering his loins. Medium-length golden brown hair hugged his scalp, with golden tendrils sparingly covering his forehead in a perfect position. He had large white angel-like wings expanding from his back. He was half man, half bird. Was he an angel, or a creature?

  Kalista couldn’t tell. She couldn’t see a halo on top of his head, so he couldn’t be an angel. The sight of this glorious man made Kalista forget about Catan, or the fact that she was close to death if Catan managed to find her in this abysmal maze.

  “Wh-what are you?” Kalista stammered, staring at this man as though he was made of pure gold, so raw and beautiful that she could barely express her thoughts.

  The man was quiet for a moment, gazing back at Kalista the same way she was gazing at him. But it appeared as though he was trying to read her expression, read her thoughts.

  “May I speak now?” the man asked politely, flashing her a gorgeous smile that melted her heart.

  Kalista was at a loss for words. She couldn’t form the words in her mouth as though all the words were stuck inside her throat. All she could do was stare at this man in awe, in wonder. She’d completely forgotten about Catan. About running. She didn’t want to run anymore. She just wanted to stand there and stare at this perfect creation who was standing at least one feet away from her. If he’d come any close, Kalista thought that her heart might burst out of her chest and she might die.

  “Yes … you may,” Kalista answered, after what seemed like an eternity. “Wh-what is it that you want to say?”

  The man chuckled, but in a natural charming way. “Well, Kalista, you must be wondering who I am. I’m Lipton Sands, a Wingman. I’m half man, half bird. Don’t you be afraid of me. I’m not here to hurt you.”

The man extended his hand invitingly, and Kalista took it without a second thought. She felt like she was under a spell, but she didn’t mind. This man could keep her under his spell as long as he liked.

  “I know that you are afraid of Catan, but you shouldn’t be. You shouldn’t be afraid of him.”

  The mention of Catan’s name brought back the dreadful reality that she was trying hard to forget, and fear seeped back into Kalista’s senses. Kalista broke into uncontrollable sobs, trying to erase the horrible memories.

  “Now, now,” Lipton cajoled. “You don’t have to be scared, really. Catan’s not going to lay a finger on you.”

  Kalista stopped crying, and she gazed into Lipton’s searing blue eyes as though they provided a safe haven for her.

  “Really? Catan’s not going to hurt me? It means that you’re going to protect me or something.” A hint of relief tinted Kalista’s eyes.

  Lipton chuckled again in that unique way of his, causing a weird electric sensation tingling across Kalista’s skin.

  Kalista gazed longer into Lipton’s eyes, trying to believe all the things he had said, Was he her savior? Could she trust him with her life?

  Lipton had the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. They were like jewels calling her name, enticing her, making her go weak at her knees.

  Yes, she could trust him. He was going to protect her. That seemed like thing that he was going to do for her.

  All of a sudden, something dark loomed inside his eyes, chasing away the merry twinkle that had danced within those blue eyes.

  What was going on? Kalista wondered. Why had his expression darkened all of a sudden? It was as if something had possessed him.

  The cheerful aura that had surrounded him had vanished, and Kalista felt a sense of dread.

  Lipton was not smiling at her anymore. Instead, he was frowning.

  Wait. Did I do something wrong? Kalista tried to figure out what was going on with Lipton, who had suddenly changed. His eyes became stone cold, a drastic shift from the tenderness and mirth she had seen in his eyes earlier.

  Lipton stretched his arms forward, as if trying to grab her. Kalista reacted by stepping two steps backward, staring in horror at the changed man in front of her.

  “What are you trying to do, Lipton?” Kalista demanded, hot tears streaming down her cheeks. “Are you good, or bad?” Kalista was confused now. She had almost believed in hope, believed that Lipton was there so save her. Save her from the treacherous hands of Catan.

  Lipton continued gazing at Kalista, his face devoid of expression, as if there was no soul within his eyes.

  All of a sudden, Lipton’s face twisted and warped into something that slowly took the form of something, or someone, whom Kalista had feared. Gone were the Greek God features on Lipton’s face, replaced by the all familiar features which set the fear rippling across Kalista’s body like ocean waves. Catan’s face emerged, and a sinister smile curved his lips.

  It had been Catan in disguise all along! He had taken the form of this winged creature to deceive her. Kalista felt so duped that she just didn’t care if she lived anymore. And to think that she had almost fallen for this … creature. She almost thought that she could be saved. But now all her hope of survival had been dashed.

  “Fooled you, didn’t I?” Catan sneered, grabbing Kalista’s throat in a tight grip and causing her to choke.

  Kalista wanted to say something, but the words got stuck in her throat as Catan strangled her.

  Catan let out an evil laughter. “Oh, you want to say something, right? What is it that you want to say? OK, I’ll give you a minute.” He loosened his grip around Kalista’s neck, causing her to cough and gasp for air.

  “You-you monster,” Kalista seethed, giving Catan her grimmest glare she could put on. “You have no heart, no mercy. All you think is about killing me, right? Why don’t you just finish the job so I don’t have to run anymore and hide? Let this misery end!” Kalista was shocked that she had uttered those words. She was not one who would not give up so easily. But after all she’d been through, she didn’t think she could endure this anymore.

  She stared deep into Catan’s eyes, which were filled with hatred and darkness. Catan was a cold-blooded vampire who had killed dozens and dozens of innocent people to quench his thirst for blood. He didn’t have mercy at all. He’d even killed an innocent baby to fill his blood lust.

  And Catan had yearned for Kalista’s blood, not because he was bloodthirsty. Kalista had special blood, descended from the Urukan tribe, a clan of people who possessed special supernatural healing gifts in the past. Urukan blood tasted supernaturally good, and gave the drinker immense power and strength. Kalista was one of the few remaining Urukan descendants who still carried the special blood in her veins. Catan had killed Kalista’s cousin for her blood, and drank every last drop of it. It boosted Catan’s strength and power, making him feel like the God of the world. But as time passed, Catan felt his power ebbing away, and drinking normal human blood didn’t satisfy him anymore. He had to have a sip of Urukan blood. So he tried tracing the other Urukan descendants, and he was able to locate Kalista. It wasn’t easy to locate her as Kalista kept a very low profile. And when he had managed to find her, he went wild with desire, eager to drink up all of Kalista’s blood.

  “You want to kill me, right?” Kalista sobbed, her shoulders heaving.

  Catan gazed at the light blue colored vein running down Kalista’s neck. It was so tempting, so desirable. He could just pounce on her and sink his teeth into Kalista’s neck.

  Catan glanced into Kalista’s eyes, a slight grin playing on his lips. “I don’t want to kill you. You’re too pretty to die.” A shrill laughter escaped his throat. “I just want all your blood. Your tasty Urukan blood, which makes me so high, so omnipotent. I want it all.” Catan paused momentarily, a wry smile on his face. “But of course, if I were to drink every last drop of your blood, you would die. And really Kalista, I can’t bear to see you die.” He shrieked with laughter again, his pale face looking so ghostly that it scared the living daylights out of Kalista.

  “So you don’t want to kill me?” Kalista whimpered, wiping a tear on her cheek.

  “You’re too beautiful to die, Kalista,” Catan teased, and it sickened Kalista to the point that she felt like puking.

  “Why would you spare my life?” she questioned. “You have killed countless of people, including women who are charming and beautiful as well. I’ve heard about you, Catan. You’re quite notorious in our supernatural circle. You have no mercy, and you don’t spare lives no matter what as long as your thirst for blood is quenched.”

  Catan let out a howl of laughter again, and hearing that made Kalista’s stomach rumble with nausea.

  “I’ve killed beautiful women, yes,” Catan admitted shamelessly. He studied Kalista’s face momentarily, gazing deep into her blue eyes. “But you’re an exception. There’s something so beautiful about you that I can’t explain. Too beautiful to be killed off just like that. I can’t explain, but I just …. don’t have the heart to kill you. Even though I crave so much for your blood, which is throbbing invitingly in your veins right now.”

  Suddenly, a realization hit Kalista. She had a chance of survival after all. Catan wasn’t interested in killing her. He just wanted her blood. Maybe if she played her cards right, she could get out of the maze alive.

  “Since you don’t intend to kill me, then I see no point for me to stay in this maze any longer,” Kalista reasoned. “Can you conjure the maze away?” Kalista requested.

  Catan was the one who had conjured up the Maze of Doom. It was one of his special gifts, besides morphing into somebody else like Lipton a while ago. He’d conjure up this torturous maze with his supernatural powers and whisked his victims into the maze, watching them run helplessly like mice trapped in the maze with a wild cat. It gave Catan evil pleasure to watch his victims run for their life, run away from him. He enjoyed playing this cat and mouse game, and this was the plac
e he would magically transport his victims. His victims would run aimlessly around the maze, thinking that there was an exit when there wasn’t.

  Catan was the creator of the maze, so of course he had the power to decide whether to create an exit or not. He chose not to create an exit at all. All the while, his victims had thought that there was an exit in the maze, an exit to their survival, when in fact they were purely delusional.

  His victims would run in the maze with unprecedented speed, so fast that some of them ruptured their ankle bones. He’d chase them, sometimes slowing down just to give his victims a head start because he knew eventually he’d catch up to them. He just loved playing this game, knowing that he would win in the end. He’d finally sink his fangs into their veins and sucked all their blood, watching their energy drain away as his own became stronger and stronger. And they would all die in the end. That was how the game was supposed to be played.

  But with Kalista, everything changed. He was supposed to kill her, but there was something about her that made him reluctant, even though he was dying to suck her blood.

  Why did Kalista have such a hold on him? Why? Why? Why? He’d never gave in so easily, but with Kalista he just couldn’t kill her.

  Catan could smell the sweet-tasting Urukan blood throbbing inside Kalista, inviting him for a sip. Or two. Kalista was just inches away from him, easily accessible, and he could have her at his very whim. But deep down inside, he knew that once he started sinking his fangs into Kalista and drinking from her, it would be impossible to stop him anymore. He would drink all the way to the very last drop, killing her. And he didn’t want that to happen. He didn’t want her to die.

  “Can I go?” Kalista’s sweet voice interrupted Catan’s train of thoughts.

  Kalista turned around tentatively, as if she couldn’t be sure if Catan had completely set her free. She started padding away, heart pounding in her chest as a ray of hope filled her.

  “No!!!!” Catan bellowed, pouncing on Kalista and grabbing her shoulders so hard that Kalista could hear a bone crack. He whirled her around, gripping her so tightly that Kalista couldn’t even budge.