Bound (The Guardians) Read online

Page 15

  Two members of Guardian royalty stand staring at me with strange faces. I blush, feeling stupid. I think I’ve let my motor mouth go too far again.

  Teros lightly chuckles before breaking into a laugh. He points at me. ‘Ooh I like her! Leo is in big trouble, he’s found someone who can see through him like a sheet of glass.’

  ‘Yes, that was quite impressive Mellea,’ Neros says.

  I shrug away my embarrassment. I thought all that stuff I said was pretty obvious.

  Teros turns his head to his brother. ‘Well, we have a war to win. We shouldn’t keep Sentry waiting any longer.’

  The Guardian brothers head towards the second pillar. I relax my shoulders and move in the opposite direction, toward the elevators. I press the button and wait. When the doors open, Teri steps out. Her face is sad.

  ‘Are you all right?’ I ask.

  The maid answers, ‘I’m coping… but everything has suddenly been turned on its head. I can’t believe I actually have orders not to disturb Master Leo. But I’m still worried. He’s been up there since after the ceremony. All the food we have left for him has remained untouched.’

  ‘Maybe I should have said something,’ I say drifting off. Teri looks at me. I refocus, ‘After the blessing a small group of people were invited to stay and talk after Lethia was laid to rest. I saw Leo just standing there staring at her grave after everyone had walked away. I wanted to go up to him, but I had no idea what to say. What could I say that wouldn’t sound hollow and forced, almost as if someone had made me do it?’

  ‘Your words probably wouldn’t have even gotten through dear. Don’t beat yourself up,’ Teri says, walking past and touching me on the shoulder.

  I know that. But somehow, now, it feels like it’s my job to speak to him. I’m supposed to be his bride, right? It’s time to step up.

  Chapter Thirty

  I take the executive elevator up, heading for Leo’s room. When it stops at level 3, the level below mine, I’m surprised to see Anrella entering the lift too. She doesn’t look like her usual upbeat self. She’s flat-out depressed.

  ‘Are you okay?’ I ask her. ‘What were you doing on one of the bottom levels? It’s all Sentry officers, guests and trapped brides.’ I laugh a bit at my own joke, but she doesn’t even smile.

  ‘I’ve moved back into my old room.’ Anrella says softly. ‘Arin yelled at me and kicked me out, saying he needs space. I don’t know what to do. He spends all day in the tracking labs then all night reviewing the data. He’s wearing himself out. I can tell he is grieving but this isn’t going to help him. He won’t let himself rest until we get a solid lead.’

  Her face is painful. It hurts me. I slowly reach over and take her hand.

  I say, ‘You do know how amazing you are and that you’re doing a great job, yeah? I’ve been watching you work. You’ve been so strong and wonderful. Arin is going to need some time but he’ll come around. Once he gets some closure, I’m sure he will be back to his old grumpy self.’ I stand up straight and do my best Arin impression. ‘Do not make that face. You are the future Lady Guardian. Do you have not even a shred dignity?’

  Anrella’s face quickly softens and she laughs a bit. I give her a grin back.

  ‘You’re right, Mellea. Thanks for that.’ She stands up taller. ‘And by the way, you need to work on getting your Successor back together. We can’t afford to have him sulk any longer. Every moment we delay more MECHs grow stronger.’

  I nod and give a bow, ‘Yes, my Lady.’

  The elevator reaches and stops at level 27, Leo’s floor. I get out and leave Anrella inside. The last thing I see is her giving me a wink. When the doors are shut tight, I feel the happiness gradually disappearing from my face.

  In all seriousness, she’s right. Unless the MECHs give the Guardians something they can track, it’s unlikely we’ll find them before they strike again.

  I move to Leo’s door and extend a hand to twist knob. But before I can, Soren makes her way through from the other side. My heart drops when I see her. Soren always takes pride in the way she looks, plenty of makeup, designer clothing and never a hair out of place. But this Soren before me, she’s a wreck. I have no idea where a Successor would find stained pyjama pants. Plus she is wearing a baggy old top that I can only assume belongs to Demmi.

  ‘Oh Mellea,’ Soren says, ‘are you here to see Leo?’

  I nod.

  Her blue eyes roll to the left. It’s freaky, like someone has control over her exhausted body. Even her voice is kind of ghost like. ‘He has not said a word since the attack. He has shut himself in his room. He will not talk to me. I feel like he is gone too.’

  ‘Don’t be silly,’ I say, placing my hands on her shoulders. ‘You go back to your room and get some sleep. I’ll give it a try.’

  Soren nods and drags her feet along the spiral balcony. I turn and enter Leo’s apartment. The lights are off. It’s silent like no one is home.

  I start heading up the stairs. The bedroom door is shut. I pop it open and make my way over to his bed. The long curtains covering the giant window are shut tight. Leo lies in the centre of his bed, covered by the sheets. The blankets are not like last time, flicked about and clearly slept in. They’re straight pressed as if he hasn’t moved a single bit.

  I stand next to the bed with arms folded. Leo is tucked into a ball shape; his head only slightly poking out of the top of the cream coloured blanket, his eyes are open and watching me.

  I say, ‘So this is where you’ve been hiding.’

  ‘Go away,’ he mumbles, sliding down under the blanket.

  ‘Hey,’ I shout, grabbing the cover. I pull it up so I can see him resting in ball shape. He’s staring at me like a forest animal that has been discovered in his hole. ‘You’re still wearing your clothes from three days ago! Seriously! You could have at least put on some pyjamas or something to sulk in. It’d be a lot more comfortable than jeans.’

  I can see Leo making a horribly pained face. I instantly feel horrid. He’s lost his mother. Maybe the tough love thing isn’t appropriate. I let the blanket fall down and rest my hands on my hips.

  I stand there for a moment and suddenly I’m hit with an idea. I quickly whip the sheet up once more. ‘Stay here!’ I say to Leo.

  I run out of the apartment and take the lift down to the foyer. I run across it, down the second pillar and into the kitchen. ‘Poppy!’ I shout, half-breathing, half-dying.

  The young maid looks at me. ‘Goodness! Mellea what’s wrong?’

  ‘Do you have any like… junk food in here? I need to get my hands on some trashy snacks you might take to a sleepover. I’m trying to bring a Successor back to life with some positivity. Can you help me?’

  ‘Oh…oh yes!’ Poppy says, growing excited. ‘I’ve got an idea!’ She and I stir together a cookie dough recipe with large chunks of chocolate mixed through. She puts it in a bowl with two spoons. ‘I swear to the spirits: this will do the trick.’

  ‘You’re amazing,’ I reply, grabbing the bowl.

  I gather a couple of other things from the kitchen, poking through drawers, and then I head back out.

  Finding my way back to Leo’s room I enter with my hands full. He hasn’t moved, still in a ball under the covers. I lift them up.

  ‘Okay.’ I slide my shoes off and get under the sheets with all my stuff.

  I have a thin piece of wood that I use as a prop to turn the sheets into a tent. I have a torch for light and of course, the magic mixture.

  Leo stares around at the set up. Slowly he rolls onto his stomach. I slide down onto mine, trying not to knock the stick over. ‘Here, you can have the first dig,’ I say, passing the bowl of cookie dough to him.

  Leo stares at it. ‘Is that…raw cake mixture?’

  ‘More or less, it’s the best thing in the world.’ I take his spoon and scoop up a lump. ‘Come on,’ I say waving it. Leo takes a spoon and eats a little. He seems more or less pleased with the taste and sits up a little more with
one elbow resting as a prop on the mattress.

  We both start chewing away in the quiet. I want him to start the conversation, eventually he does.

  ‘Is this what normal people do when they are sad?’ Leo asks softly.

  I smile. ‘Not always… and it’s more of a teenage girl thing. But this is for bad cases. It goes in levels. Level one is a minor disappointment, level two is basic heartbreak…you’re about a level five, critical. So I’m bringing out the big guns.’

  Leo takes another spoonful of mixture. ‘Speaking of guns, have they found any MECH leads?’ he asks.

  ‘You don’t have to be all business with me. Inside this tent is a totally safe zone. We can talk about anything you want in the world.’

  Leo bites a chocolate chunk off the spoon. ‘I do not really have much else to talk about apart from my work. It is not exactly like I have a raging social life.’

  ‘Well… you could tell me how you feel.’

  Leo sighs. ‘I do not think that would be wise. I am exhausted and confused. In my weakness…I am afraid that if I speak of my feelings I may cry. I do not want you to see that.’

  ‘If you did, I wouldn’t judge you.’ I say, finishing my spoon. ‘I’m sure you’re in a lot of pain right now. I don’t expect you to be a tough Successor. I think you should be honest with yourself. Just feel what you feel.’

  I go to put the spoon back in the bowl, my stomach begging me not to eat any more, when I notice the bed is shaking. I turn my head to Leo. He’s clenching his spoon before him, his brow is scrunched and tears are rolling down his cheeks.

  Leo says painfully, ‘Why… why did I not tell her more that I loved her too? She would always ask me if I did… and I would make some stupid answer… because I felt weak for telling my own mother that I loved her. And when she was sick, I spent so much time trying to find a cure instead of being by her side, listening to her voice. Now, I will never get to hear it again.’

  My heart feels like it’s actually ripping in half. My eyes are burning with tears. This sight… it’s a lot more gut-wrenching than I thought it would be.

  Leo’s tough surface, the one that has been keeping those toxic feelings inside, has now been broken. He’s finally begun to grieve in a healthy way. I guess it’s time for another approach. I slowly take the spoon from Leo and push the sheets back. I take out the tent pole, put the dough down on the floor, switch the torch off and get back in. I wrap the sheets around us both and hold him tightly.

  I put my head on his chest. I can feel him shaking in my arms. Every now and then he gasps slightly, trying to breathe through the pain. For an hour or more I lay there with him. I gradually glance up when I notice his tears have stopped. His whole body is relaxed. He’s asleep.

  I pull myself away and go to slide out of the bed. Before I do, I lean back and kiss him on the forehead. Thankfully he doesn’t stir. I quietly leave the room so he can rest.

  Great. Now I’m depressed. I need to walk.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  It is late afternoon. Leo remains in his room sleeping. The Tower is busy with meetings. I sit outside in the beautiful courtyard, huddled under a tall tree with my knees tucked up under my chin.

  I glance at the monumental building beside me. Over the last few days, this spot has become common for me to visit. My classes have been put on hold because everyone inside the Tower is working, planning and rushing. There’s nothing I’ve been assigned to do. Plus I’m afraid to ask. I feel better out of the way.

  The MECHs have left many questions looming around the Tower. Why did they steal the Guardians Stones? What purpose would they want them for? Did they get what they wanted?

  If so, realistically, there’s no reason for them to return. Yet I can’t help but feel uneasy. A part of me knows it’s not over.

  I stand up and dust the dirt from my bottom. I’m starting to get used to the dresses they’ve been making me wear, but any that come above my knees I’ve managed to slip on tights underneath for comfort. My hair is tied up in long ponytail with a thin braid wrapped around the elastic. I’m not wearing my old favourite lace up shoes, but the little flats they gave me. Around my wrist is the engagement bracelet I still cannot remove. I’m the perfect image of a bride. After I fought so hard, told them this was never going to happen, yelled in Leo’s face and got tackled to the ground… I’m still here. I’m still a bride. And now I’m in this mess too. The world feels like it’s ending, and I’m stuck with these clowns?

  I sigh loudly, dropping my torso forward until I am looking at my knees, before snapping back up. The afternoon sun is creeping over, gradually setting behind the Tower. Pretty soon I’ll have to head back inside. But before I do, I want to take one last lap of the grounds. I trail along the thick wall that contains the grounds until I approach the gate entrance built into the crystal. I stop.

  One of the main gates… it’s open. There are no guards around either. The sight before me is rare, no — impossible, especially with the MECH attack still on high alert.

  I slide over towards the gate and slowly poke my head out. The brown cobblestone road that encircles the outside of the Tower is silent. I know I’m not supposed step outside the grounds. But I figure if no one is around, surely a tiny peek at Poridos won’t be a problem. It feels like years since I’ve been outside this place. I put one foot out and then slide my body through the opening. I smile, rushing over the edge of the road. I feel like a rebel as I glance at Poridos City below me.

  ‘Psst!’ hisses a voice from afar. I jump and scan the surroundings frantically. A figure creeps along the edge of the road. Deliberately it steps under one of the street lights.

  ‘M-momma?’ I ask.

  My mother scurries over to me, wrapping her arms around me tightly. I hug her back before pulling away. ‘What…what are you doing here?’

  ‘I came to see you,’ she says. ‘I’m so glad you came outside. It was as if this was meant to be. The spirits are shining on us with a favourable light.’

  I lift the corners of my mouth, but not in a smile, more like an uncomfortable smirk. The conflicting emotions are bubbling inside me again. This is my mother, I love her and I’ve missed her. But she didn’t do anything when Da slapped me. Did she just block that memory out?

  ‘No, Momma… what I mean is, why did you bother coming here? You let Da say those things. When I looked at you for help you turned your head away from me. You left me with no other choice but to come back here. I thought you loved me? A loving person wouldn’t do that to their own child!’

  Momma abruptly pulls my arm and tugs me into the shadows. Softly she says, ‘I know! I know! Please forgive me. I should have stood up for you. I admit that I was a terrible mother, letting your father speak to you and then hit you like that. I’ve been in agony thinking about it ever since you left. Your father completely lost it that day and I was scared. I guess now I’m just making excuses. But things only got worse after that...’ My mother’s face shifts into a horrified look. She is no longer staring at me, as she is staring straight through me.

  ‘What’s going on Momma?’

  My mother points to a large bag resting near her feet. It’s so full of stuff that the zip is jammed halfway.

  ‘After you left, someone came knocking on our door. I was downstairs so didn’t see who it was; I only heard them talking with your father. Next thing I knew, he was gone. No one in Pekkin had seen him and his phone was dead. When he finally returned home a few days later, he was acting strangely, almost deranged. When I asked him where he’d been, that’s when he told me Mellea. He told me about the MECHs and the images above Poridos. And then he showed me…’

  My mother’s hands are shaking as she loosely presses her curled fingers against her cheeks.

  ‘He showed you what?’ I ask grabbing her shoulders.

  With wide eyes she whispers, ‘He’s become a MECH. They tore apart his body. His arms… his chest… they been replaced with mechanical parts. I can still smell the op
en and half-healed flesh. It was disgusting.’ My mother fidgets uncomfortably. ‘He was talking about how they’ve shown him true power. Noran thinks he now has the power to fight against the Guardians, the power he’s always wanted.’

  The slightest breeze could have knocked me off my feet. She might as well have told me he was dead.

  Momma then says to me that Da came back to Pekkin because he wanted her to become a MECH as well. He wanted her to join and fight. But she refused, telling him he was insane. He left after that.

  ‘That’s why I came to get you honey,’ Momma says gently. ‘The MECHs are planning something terrible, I can tell. They’re taking good people like your father and turning them into monsters. This isn’t the place for you anymore. The Guardians are strong and powerful. They’ve battled against threats for hundreds of years. They can protect themselves. But you’re not a Guardian sweetheart. So come with me…I’m begging you. I know you need me. We can be a family again, the two of us.’

  My mother holds her hand out to me. She smiles softly, her facial expression making me feel as if I’m staring into a mirror. I twist back towards the Tower. I’m torn and hurt. If the MECHs return it’s not like I can fight them. She was wrong for what she did. But she’s my mother. How I can I refuse?

  Gently I place my hand in hers. She grins and we run along the road into the city. I can’t help but look back multiple times as the sun behind the Tower disappears. I only hope I’m doing the right thing.

  Chapter Thirty-two

  I sit on the floor of a small inn, directly west of Poridos and the Tower. My mother and I have walked to a random train stop at the Absotras Link Station and travelled on an unfamiliar line until the end.