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Bound (The Guardians) Page 14

  The man laughs. ‘You clearly didn’t do a very good job because our great leader survived. After sixty long years of waiting, and planning, we have begun rebuilding our race. The MECHs are the future, the door to great power. The weak, the hated and the lost have joined us to become more than they ever could be. We have accepted them with open, modified, arms. Now is the time, peoples of Selestia. Hear our words and join us.’

  ‘Enough,’ shouts a voice from above us. I flick my head up. On the third balcony stand Lord Neros and Lady Lethia. The Lord Guardian glares down at the MECHs. He calls, ‘You and your people are nothing more than handcrafted freaks made from metal. People like you have no place in our society.’

  ‘Careful what you say, Lord Neros,’ the man replies pointing to the projection outside. ‘Your precious people can hear you right now.’

  ‘We want them to hear,’ shouts Lady Lethia. She’s looking surprisingly healthier and stronger than before. ‘We want them to know that we, the Guardians of Selestia, will not stand for terrorism, pain or suffering and we will not bow down to those who threaten us. You want nothing more than to use the people for your own selfish purposes. We will protect them.’

  I can’t help but grin.

  Dorkarn steps forward and quickly shoots the man. It strikes him in the chest and he flies backwards, dropping Demmi. The MECHs with projectors are forced to turn them off in order to switch back to guns.

  Lord Neros leaps down three floors and lands near them gently. My mouth drops. It’s almost like he flew. The moment his feet touch the ground he thrusts his hands forward. A gust of wind, triggered by the glowing stone embedded in the ring on his finger, knocks the MECHs all to the ground.

  The MECHs start to fire back. A battle of bullets and elemental powers begins. Unarmed and unskilled, I know better than to stand around. I bolt for the nearest cover, a waiting couch towards one of the walls, and duck down. I cover my head with my hands. Attacks fire around me, hitting the crystal walls and shattering. Gradually I crawl to the edge of the couch and poke my head out.

  I see Soren. She has managed to wiggle back over to where Demmi was dropped. She flops forward over him, the green shield from her element ring glowing behind her back, protecting them both.

  The vocal male attacker, who was shot, sits up again. The bullet has struck a part of his body which isn’t real, sadly leaving him uninjured. I now understand what Dorkarn meant when he gave the speech to the Elders during the Summoning. He’s seen this terror before. These people truly are unbreakable.

  A hand touches my back and a shiver bolts down my spine. I fling around, arms at the ready with eyes half shut. But it’s not a MECH. It’s Leo. He gives me a gentle smile. I glance back at him with a surprising relief.

  Blood streams down his left arm. ‘Leo, you’re bleeding!’ I cry. He holds the top of his shoulder where his shirt is stained red.

  ‘I know… but it is not serious, it is a scratch.’

  ‘Scratches don’t bleed like that!’ I say, carefully trying to assess the situation.

  ‘I had to help my parents make their way down from the top level. These MECHs are well trained and they knew where to find us—’ Leo stops talking and his eyes grow wide.

  ‘Peak-a-boo, I see you,’ says a female MECH, balancing perfectly on the chair’s back. She fires her gun at us and I cover my head. I hear the noise but the bullet doesn’t hit me…or at least… I didn’t feel it.

  I open my eyes and notice Leo and I are surrounded by a yellow shield, a bubble like formation encircling us. Leo’s necklace is shining as he holds his right hand up towards the MECH.

  ‘Nice trick. But how long can you hold out with that injury, Successor?’ the MECH asks.

  Leo is breathing heavily. I remember the lesson with Elentia. The stones rely on the person’s energy levels. Leo must have used quite a lot already. Plus the fact he’s doubling the output by protecting me too. I can tell it’s straining him, but I can’t think what else I can do.

  I stare at the MECH woman. Her face turns to shock. I can feel mine turning the same way.

  A giant hand, made entirely out of water, wraps around her waist. It pulls her back out of our sight. Leo drops the shield and leaps up.

  ‘M-mother…’ he utters softly.

  I quickly stand and glance around. Lady Lethia walks through the foyer. Her hands are out with palms facing upwards. The entire foyer floor is starting to cover over in a few inches of water. It’s streaming out of the taps in the rooms and trickling down the stairs and walls. It’s like nothing I have ever seen.

  Lethia’s white dress floats in the water around her ankles. Her bare feet skim the surface.

  ‘Stop Lethia!’ Neros cries to her, thumping a MECH assassin with his elbow.

  ‘No!’ she shouts back. ‘I do not want to leave this world without fighting! I am the Lady Guardian of Selestia! I will not let this creatures get the best of me simply because of my illness.’

  Lethia raises her hands. The water from the floor shoots upwards, creating hands which grab each one of the MECHs. They all struggle, but the water is strong as if solid. It’s astounding. It’s almost as if Lethia can see using the water.

  She draws her arms out and then claps her hands together. The giant water hands follow suit, flying in synchronisation, clapping together. Each MECH is forcibly slapped against another. Lethia twists her palms. The MECHs are pushed together and crushed. A few cry out in pain, but it’s only for a moment. The water quickly smothers the MECH attackers, drowning them within seconds. It doesn’t take long before they all fall silent. It’s almost hard to watch.

  However, Lethia keeps one MECH alive, just barely. It’s the man who spoke to us.

  ‘Open the doors,’ Lethia shouts to Arin, who is the closest.

  With the power now back on, the doors open with his fingerprint touch. The MECH man is brought into Lady Lethia by the moving hand. He struggles a little, but is unable to break from her grasp.

  She says to him, ‘You tell your leader, whoever they are, that if they ever threaten us again we will destroy them piece-by-piece.’ Lining up with the door, she moves her arm out in a long motion. The water hand pushes across the ground, through the doors and out to the gates, releasing the man into Poridos.

  I stare at the doors. I can’t believe it’s over like that. Lethia… is incredible.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  I watch the leftover water from Lady Lethia’s attack drain out the front door. The current flows gently around my feet.

  As the reality of what just happened registers in my brain, my admiration grows. Lady Lethia isn’t a Montarus by blood. Yet somehow she could use her element, and well. I guess this is what it means to be Lady Guardian.

  It’s hard to believe Lethia was once a forced bride who hated her partner and was unsure about this new life. After I left Pekkin the second time, the harsh truth that I was now bound to the Guardians started to sink in. Speaking to Lethia made me feel at ease. I felt as if being a member of the Tower was something I could honestly do. She grew into this role. I could too.

  But now after realising Lethia has grace, beauty and the extremely rare ability to use her elemental power, me being a Guardian…it’s laughable.

  ‘Momma!’ screams Soren, the ear-piercing cry breaking the quiet and making my skin prickle.

  I flick back to catch a glimpse of Lady Lethia tumbling to the ground. Her body hits the red carpet with force. The room stands silent for a moment. The pure shock hits us all like an ocean wave.

  Lord Neros runs over to his wife’s side. He falls near her and scoops Lethia up into his arms. He starts shaking her gently. One of Lethia’s nurses, hiding in the second pillar, comes running out. She grabs Lethia’s wrist and says something to Neros. He places her body on the ground and starts pushing on her chest. After a few minutes, he stops. The nurse holds her wrist again, presses on Lethia’s neck and then shakes her head. Neros sits back on his knees, his head facing the ground.
  Arin rushes over and shoves his father out of the way. Arin screams, ‘Do not stop Father! Keep trying!’

  Neros pushes his son away, telling him to stop. Arin yells back in protest, scrambling and kicking, trying to get back to her. Arin screams out while he struggles, ‘Mother! No!’ several times in a horrible and heartbreaking scream.

  I never imagined such a stern young man could act this way. And when the Lord Guardian pulls his tall son into a tight hug, my heart goes to my throat and my eyes sting with tears.

  Until now, I was sure that the Guardians were nothing but cold and unloving. I was positive they had no sense of family values or that they even cared about each other. But I was wrong, very wrong.

  Immediately I turn to Leo. He stands near me with arms limp by his side. His eyes are wide and his mouth is loose. It’s almost as if his soul has left his body and it’s now an empty shell. I can tell he’s in shock because he doesn’t cry. He doesn’t move. He’s simply… lifeless. For some reason, that is even more devastating.

  ‘Leo?’ I say in almost a whisper. I get no response. Moving closer to him I reach around his tall frame. I push his arms out of the way so I can put my head on his ribs. I hug him tightly. After a moment I look back up, but he still hasn’t moved. His face is still frozen in that painful, horror struck gaze.

  Still holding onto Leo, I turn my head around. I see Demmi slowly pulling himself up. When he gets his bearings, he sees the lifeless woman before him. With a pail face, he reaches out and touches Soren’s shoulder. She sits on the other side of her mother, tears dripping down her face and into her lap. Demmi notices her arms are tied behind her and quickly undoes the knot. The moment she’s free, Soren dives into his arms. He holds her around the head.

  Not too far from me Anrella and Dorkarn watch the scene silently. Anrella has tears streaming down her face as she covers her nose and mouth with her hands. Dorkarn has a pained expression. He cannot even look at the scene before him, choosing to face away.

  I turn my head towards the second pillar. The executive maids Teri and Poppy stand at the door. I can see Teri crying and Poppy facing in towards her. The other members of staff stand close together holding each other. I glance upwards. A couple of Sentry officers up on the first and second levels watch on silently. Their rifles are down and so are their heads.

  The dark air in the Tower, that feeling of loss and emptiness, it makes it hard to breathe. This loved and cherished woman, she’s gone…forever.


  The next afternoon, Lady Lethia was laid to rest a special section of the courtyard behind the Tower, the following day after her passing. Her space, already chosen, was prepared with haste. I remember staring at the three blond haired siblings as they stood around their mother’s resting place. The Spirit Speaker, dressed in his ceremonial black robes, gave a speech and Livolism blessing, sprinkling the site with water mixed with flowers.

  Many Sentry officers came in from stations across Selestia to say their farewells. I was told that the Tower grounds haven’t seen a gathering of people like that for many years. Soren whimpered into a handkerchief the entire time. Arin stood with hands clenched tightly - angry at everyone - mostly himself. And Leo, he remained the same as he did the day she died. Lifeless, still, empty... he didn’t cry. He barely blinked.

  I step into the cemetery and place a flower on Lethia’s grass covered lot. It’s been three days since she passed and I still can’t believe she’s gone. There was still so much more I hoped to learn from her. Our one conversation was not enough and has left me with burning questions. Was she scared being a new bride? Did she worry that her relationship with Neros would never get better? Did she miss her family? I will never know.

  I make my way back through the elaborate and well maintained front gardens. I step onto the stone path that leads directly to the Tower’s main doors. As I amble, I pass Elentia who is heading for the gates. She stops walking when she sees me. Her brown hair is up in her usual tight bun; her clipboard however is retired for the day, a rare sight.

  ‘How’s the search coming?’ I ask. Three days I’ve been asking. Each time she gives me the same answer, except today.

  Elentia says, ‘Whilst we still have not been able to determine exactly how the MECHs got into the Tower, we have discovered their attack was precise and accurate.’

  I frown at her in a way that says I don’t understand.

  She tilts her head. ‘Did no one tell you? I guess being a bride they probably water down the information you receive. The MECHs broke into the vault, Mellea. They stole every last item of elemental jewellery not currently owned by a Guardian. It appears that was their intention three days ago. They were not looking to fight us, only to distract us.’

  I step forward. ‘No way! What could they want those for? You said the elements hardly ever work for normal people outside the Montarus family. Besides the MECHs… well they aren’t even normal to start with. I wonder if the shields would even work on someone who is mechanical. Why would they even want them?’

  ‘I could not even hazard a guess,’ Elentia replies. ‘But we still must keep our guard up. An attack like that means we have allowed a traitor to walk amongst us.’

  My jaw falls. ‘You think someone from inside helped the MECHs get in?’

  ‘Yes,’ Elentia says strongly. ‘But do not worry, little bride. We will find a way to stop them.’

  Elentia turns, continuing down the main path and out the large gates. It’s hard to believe that someone would actually help those creatures. Yet Elentia’s theory makes sense. The Tower is a fortress. Someone must have handed them the key.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  The front crystal doors of the Tower are opened for me by a guard standing outside. The security around the Tower has been bumped up. More Sentry officers, the-best-of-the-best, have been called in to help find the MECHs. Their energy will be focused towards searching for the MECH base before they attack again. I only hope they can find a clue, a scrap, something… and soon.

  Across the foyer I notice Lord Neros talking to a man I have never seen before. He has blond hair that falls down his back in a plait. I quickly notice that the stranger has the same blue eyes and profile as the Lord Guardian. They’re spookily alike.

  Lord Neros notices my gawking, signalling me to come closer with his hand. I pace up to the two and bow my head. Lately I’ve been on my best behaviour, being what they expect and not what I am. Since Lady Lethia’s death I feel a need to play my role. The last thing the Guardians need right now is a bratty-bride.

  My struggle for freedom will have to wait until the grieving period has eased.

  Neros introduces us. ‘Mellea this is Teros Montarus, my twin brother. Teros, this is Leo’s future bride, Mellea Wendorn.’

  Seeing as how nothing is coming out of my mouth, I assume my face is also looking rather blank and stunned. I didn’t know Lord Neros had a brother, especially not a twin. I spent a lot of time reading about the members of family long gone. I never thought to ask about the current ones who don’t live in the Tower.

  ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mellea,’ Teros says with a faint smile. ‘I’m sorry it couldn’t have been under better circumstances.’

  Teros instantly gives me a different vibe to Neros. He’s way of speaking is more relaxed and so is his tone. I’m not afraid of him at all.

  I nod. ‘So…you two are identical twins?’

  ‘Yes,’ they say in unison. They then both look at each other and give a familiar smile. I feel the corners of my mouth lift for the first time in a while. I know it’s temporary, but it still nice.

  Teros says, ‘So Mellea, I hear that you’re from Pekkin. That’s quite a change of pace. It must be hard, adjusting to this life so suddenly. Normally brides are from well to do families and the transition is less harsh.’

  ‘It’s been a learning curve,’ I reply. I’m not quite settled yet, I’m just being good.

  ‘I think something might be
wrong with my children.’ Neros says. He folds his arms. ‘Have you noticed? They have all picked brides far out of our usual circle of choices. Even Anrella, her father’s business is quite successful and that is how the two met. But she is extremely outgoing and highly vivacious. I would have thought Arin more the shy girl type, someone quiet and composed.’

  Teros frowns. ‘Yeah, but maybe that’s good. He could learn a lot from Anrella. It wouldn’t hurt him to be somewhat more… approachable. What about Soren? I heard she found someone a few months ago.’

  ‘That would be Demmi.’

  Teros stares at his brother with a blank face. He says, ‘It’s a girl? Well… I guess it’s not against the Guardian’s laws and Livolism does teach us to accept everyone—‘

  ‘Spirits in the night’s sky, stop! He is a boy. He simply has a girly name. I was not pleased when she brought this scrawny, shaking Absotras boy to me. I thought he was going to be a phase. I was worried she would lose interest in him as quickly as the relationship started. Now I am glad I accepted her choice. You remember, a year ago she had no passion for anything. All she wanted to do was laze about and go shopping all day. Demmi was the one who convinced her that keeping up with her school work was important. If he can do that, I am confident he can do anything.’

  ‘Then we have Leo,’ Teros says, smiling at me. I’m suddenly thrust back into the conversation and I don’t want to be.

  Lord Neros moans. I’ve never heard that noise from him before. ‘Leo. Yes. I have never known how to raise him. He has always been so… different. Arin as a child was focused on his studies, interested in the Guardian’s history and prepared to take over my role as Lord Guardian. But Leo was more interested in catching bugs in the garden and reading stories. Even now he… he is just…he is…’

  ‘Inquisitive?’ Teros finishes.

  Neros shakes his head.

  Teros tries again, ‘Complex? Expressive? Unique?’

  ‘Unique,’ I say in agreement. ‘There is no one in this world that even comes close to having what Leo has going on up here,’ I say tapping my head. ‘He’s really smart and yet somehow the dumbest person I have ever met. He’s confident, but he’s bossy. If anything he’s inconsistent. I mean you think you’re making headway with him and then he turns around and does something totally different, and you’re like “whoa where did that come from?” You know?’